Enjoy my Blogs, I promise I won't bore you 
Blog #6
Title: Updates
Whew!! So much has been going on lately and I promised that I would keep y'all abreast on what's new. First of all, let me just say that I'm super excited about all of the new developments. StreetDreamz Publications has been expanding and gearing up for some hot new releases! First up is StreetDreamz first Anthology, "I'd Rather Be Single". I teamed up with some of the hottest writers in the game to bring you the spiciest stories ever to be released.
The anthology features myself, Mimi Renee, Tysha and Kaie Golson. Each Author brung their own flavor to the book. If you love urban fiction, love stories, drama and to have your emotional strings yanked, then this is the book for you. I've even decided to push my third release "If All Men Cheat, All Women Should Too!" back because I was so excited about the anthology.
The release date for "I'd Rather Be Single" will be posted soon following videos, cameos from the Authors and more. Make sure you spread the word. There is so much more to come from StreetDreamz Publications and a special congratulations to all the new Authors that have joined the team!
Till next time, keep grinding, Shonda...
Blog #5
Title: What popular personalities do you remind your friends of?
This was a great question submitted by a fan. I was actually afraid to ask my friends who I reminded them of because I knew whoever they would mention would be a hot mess.
When meeting me for the first time, most people see a laid back, reserved, classy type chick. But those who know me know that I could be a bit, excuse me, a LOT over the top.
It started out cool; one of my home girls said that she felt that my personality was simliar to Beyonce's because I always carried myself with style and grace publicly and am a true diva at heart. She even added that she felt I was somewhat Rihanna-esque because I love switching up my style and keeping my designer dress game on point.
Suddenly, one of my other girls threw in that she felt that I was a blend of the dominant personality of Evelyn from Basketball Wives and the diva-ness of Tamar from Tony Braxton's new reality show. I couldn't do anything but crack up laughing and ask her what prompt her comparisons.
She proceeded to say that Evelyn was a pretty girl, but the prettiness could turn ugly QUICK when she's tested and that the diva inTamar is never calmed down nor apologetic. What you see is what you get.
All four of my friends chimed in repeating "Yup, Shonda that's YOU!" All I could do was laugh, I guess they got me down packed...
--Continue sending in your questions on topics that you would like to see me blog about via the contact page.
Until next time - DEUCES...
Blog #4
Title: What's your favorite/strangest addictions??
There are some things that we just can't live without. Things that we couldn't go a week without having. For me, there are certain components that if I went without them; it would throw my week off balance.
My favorite addiction is undoubtedly my laptop. If I don't have my laptop, I feel like the ideas that I have for new stories would fade because my memory is unfortunately awful. I remember I used to keep small pieces of paper with me and rush ideas down so that I wouldn't forget them. And often I would lose the tiny pieces of crumpled papers before I had a chance to save them onto my laptop and I would have a fit! But now, honey, my laptop is like a body part, it must be with me at all times.
My strangest addictions are lobster and sunflower seeds. Strange combination but I must have them both! If I go a week without either, you may not want to be around me. Sunflower seeds is my favorite past time, plus they remind me of what I do to the competition, chew em' and spit em' out.....#haha....
Eating a lobster meal keeps me sane when I'm in a good mood and it helps calm me down when I feel like knocking someone out. Those who know me could tell you that if you want to be on my good side, a lobster dinner is the way to reel me in .
Aiight, enough about me...What's your favorite/strangest addictions?? Discuss on facebook/shondadevaughn
Blog #3
Title: Ebooks vs. Paperbacks
With Barnes & Noble's stocks declining and major bookstore closings such as Borders in many states; the future of paperback books seem to be slowly descending. Websites like Amazon.com and other online ebook carriers seem to be the future frontliners of the literary world.
Once Kindle and Nooks were introduced, readers heeded the new technology, some with an effort to go green and some whom just find it more convenient.
I personally doubt that paperbacks would totally disappear. Being a book lover myself, I enjoy collecting paperbacks. I take pride in my at-home library; it makes me feel proud to point and tell people that I've read all the books they see stacked in my bookshelf. And furthermore, Authors can't autograph Nooks or Kindles for keepsakes.
If the day ever came where everyone preferred reading ebooks over paperbacks, and the children of the future laugh at the fact that we once used paper to read as they do with VCR's and cassette tapes. I can look back and be proud of the fact that I was a published Author in the times where books were in paper form .
-Which do you prefer, ebooks or paperbacks? Go to facebook/shondadevaughn to discuss.
By the way, my books are available in both paperback and on Kindle for all reader's convenience.
Till next time....Shonda
Blog #2
Title: Do women prefer dating Ballers vs. Regular Men???
Okay, this is always a juicy topic.... I just so happened to read an article on one of the gossip sites about how more women these days preferred dating ballers or rich men vs. regular working men and I had to go in on this topic...
The article went on to say that modern day television has shaped the way women viewed men today. It gave examples of how shows like Basketball Wives, Real Housewives and Love and Hip Hop had women thinking that if they had dated these types of men, then they would also be able to live the lifestyle these women portray on television.
Well I beg to differ honey!!!..... I don't think that all women seek ballers or hip-hop stars. I do however think that a lot of women seek security in a relationship period. Whether it's dating a regular working man or whoever, as long as both parties are bringing something to the table.
Now if your man lacks ambition and isn't bringing anything to the table but his presence , then ummm, some things may need to be discussed... Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the woman being the bread winner, but I do believe that the mate must bring SOMETHING to the table financially...
Women have to uphold their end of the deal too. Independence is not dead!!! Men love a self-made woman... If the lifestyle that you see portrayed on TV is something that you fancy, then create it for yourself... Soon after, Mr. Right, rather he's a regular joe or a rich man will find you.....
Blog #1
Title: Very First Blog
Greetings People,
A few months ago I put up a poll to let my readers, fans, family and friends vote to decide if I should begin blogging or not. Well, the votes are in and it looks like I'm officially a new blogger!!!!.......That being said, you get a chance to discover my personality, be involved in my personal life and just plain watch me talk a whole lot of trash! .... All in good fun of course .... Again, thank you all for voting, looks like I got some blogging to do...
First I have to thank those of you who have made my two novels, A Hood Chick's Story I & II so successful. I wouldn't be writing this blog if it weren't for you guys and I must push out 'thank you's' every time I get a chance to.
Writing my first novel wasn't easy, but I had "A Hood Chick's Story" on my heart for a while and it desperately needed to be penned. The story is very personal to me because it was inspired by my life. For instance, two of the characters that the main character Tiara lost to murder in the book, I actually lost in real life. I literally put my tears into the pages of A Hood Chick's Story, often crying as I wrote it. There were some nights when it was too hard to continue writing because the memories were so painful, however writing the book was therapeutic.
My reward came when the emails began pouring in from readers who had experienced the same pain. They would thank me for being brave enough to pen such a painful story and then begin to share what they had been through. My goal to reach others who lost the lives of family or friends to the streets, those who had been backed into a corner and feeling like things would never look up, or people who overcame grave tragedies, had been reached. I enouraged them all to keep pushing no matter what their circumstance was because every day is a NEW day and I'm a living testament that things can and will get better.
When people tell me that I inspire them after everything that I've been through, it's quite rewarding. And even if I was an inspiration to only one person, at least I reached someone. So when I say thank you all for your love and support, believe that the sincerity is deeply rooted....
--Till next time....Shonda |
NEW CONTEST!!! SIGN THE GUESTBOOK FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A FREE Copy of my upcoming controversial novel "If All Men Cheat, All Women Should Too!" 3 winners will be chosen--Contest begins 2/14/11 and ends 4/14/11) Good Luck!